About the Center

Introducing the Center

Minnesota Islamic University Da'wah Center (MIUDAC) is a unit of a special nature, independent of the rest of the colleges and centers of the Islamic University of Minnesota. It is subject to the supervision of the university and is managed by the administrative structure of this unit. The center is concerned with disseminating Islamic preaching, the teachings of Islam and its laws in the English language. It provides guidance towards correct understanding of the Islamic religion in accordance with the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, (May God bless him and grant him peace).


Establishing the correct Islamic faith and the correct understanding of Islam, deepening cross-cultural understanding, and creating a social environment where the values of tolerance and peaceful and positive coexistence prevail.


Correcting the untruthful image of the Islamic religion in terms of ideas and practices, confronting extremism and fanaticism in all its forms, and deepening communication and understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims.

Center Objectives

  • Preparing a generation of preachers to carry the banner of Da'wah within their countries and local communities.
  • Introducing target groups to the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet.
  • Introducing the target groups to the legal and jurisprudential rulings.
  • Revising the Islamic heritage, including the falsification and distortion of religious symbols.
  • Promoting religious tolerance with non-Muslims.
  • Promoting shared universal human values ​​such as justice, compassion, and benevolence.
  • Promoting the achievement of individuals' personal, social, and professional goals through the teachings of Islam.

Target Groups

(MIUDAC) seeks to provide its Da'wah services to all groups, starting with Muslims and non-Arabs new to Islam Arab Muslims, the students of, as well as out of, the university, and those interested and willing to be preachers of the Islamic religion.

Islamic University of Minnesota

in Islamic Studies online

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