Center Director

Dr. Manal Mustafa

Speech by Center's Director

Peace, Mercy, and Blessings of Allah be upon you,

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

First, I would like to greet His Excellency the University President, Professor Dr. Waleed Al-Maneesi, the honorable father, and the esteemed University Vice-President, Dr. Omar Al-Mekrami. 

Respected Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Bakri, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Dr. Zainab, the esteemed Deputy Vice-President, and all the members of the administration and faculty of the Islamic University, and the honorable audience. 

My name is Dr. Manal Mustafa Abdullah, Head of the Department of Islamic Studies in English, an Assistant Professor, and a member of the Department of Da'wah and Islamic Culture at the Faculty of Islamic Studies. 

I am honored today to be present at this blessed ceremony among these distinguished scientific figures to inaugurate and open the Da'wah Center at the Islamic University. It was an honor to respond to the request of His Excellency the Vice-President, Dr. Omar Al-Mekrami, to establish the Da'wah Center in English for religious guidance and reform for non-Arabs, affiliated with the Islamic University in the state of Minnesota, USA.

In light of the systematic intellectual and cultural wars and attacks faced by the Islamic religion, the rise of atheism campaigns targeting Islamic countries, and the emergence of some non-specialized or unqualified preachers through satellite channels and electronic platforms, there has been an increasing need for Islamic Da'wah to Allah as the religion chosen by Allah for all mankind, whose teachings were revealed to His trustworthy Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), preserved in the Holy Quran, and clarified in the Sunnah.

It is the general system and comprehensive constitution for proper conduct brought by our noble Messenger for all people. Today, the need for specialized centers for Da'wah has become immense to clear Islam of the falsehoods and lies attributed to it through platforms calling for extremism and innovations.

The idea of establishing a Da'wah Center at the Islamic University in the state of Minnesota, USA, emerged from the religious and ethical responsibility and the mission adopted by the Islamic University. As an official and academic window, it seeks to present the moderate and tolerant image of Islam, affirm the Islamic creed, and implement the noble verse: "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction." This initiative comes due to the trials that have befallen Islamic countries and the urgency to address this disorder by establishing this center, initially relying on the English language alongside Arabic, to provide beneficial knowledge to Muslims, new converts, and all targeted groups.

The Islamic University has thankfully undertaken the responsibility of founding, operating, and activating this center, believing in its responsibility to form an authentic Islamic identity and integrate it into campaigns against hostile campaigns towards Islam, creating a second line of preachers who take upon themselves the task of reviving what has been legislated in this great Islamic religion, which did not cease with the cessation of revelation, emphasizing the continuity and universality of Islamic Da'wah.

This is what we, the members of the center's administration, alongside my esteemed colleagues and distinguished scientific figures, have embraced and strived to achieve the goals of Da'wah, guidance, and reform. 

We ask Allah Almighty for success and guidance for this blessed project. Thank you very much for providing this opportunity.

Peace, Mercy, and Blessings of Allah be upon you.

Islamic University of Minnesota

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