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The Islamic University of Minnesota

The Islamic University of Minnesota is a leading academic and scholarly institution established in 2006 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, under the auspices of the Islamic Jurisprudential Council of the state (IJCM). Founded on pure scientific principles, its mission is to advance scientific research and academic excellence in both religious and non-religious fields. The university is not affiliated with any political party, group, ideological movement, or political faction.

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Ans: Withdrawing the file during the admission period (one month before the start of the academic schedule) is considered withdrawal from admission. The withdrawn applicant can apply to the university as a new student when the admission process opens for the next semester, according to the announced admission requirements at that time. However, if the file is withdrawn (if more than one month has passed since your admission to the university), it is considered a complete withdrawal from the university, and the withdrawn student is not allowed to reapply to the university until four academic semesters have passed from the date of withdrawal.


Ans: To know the available majors, you can refer to the Admission and Registration Deanship page on the university's website and download the admission guide.

A: Yes. However, the accreditation of the course as part of the curriculum is determined only by a specialized committee, which is clarified when announcing the course. It should be noted that the course is counted for the student based on their specialization. For example, courses related to Islamic studies count as subjects for Islamic studies students, and courses in economics count as subjects for economics students, and so on. Provided that the number of equivalent courses does not exceed 5 courses for undergraduate students and 3 courses for postgraduate students

Ans: You can apply for a scholarship through the scholarship application process.

Ans: Yes, they are counted as credit, but the accreditation of the course as a subject in the student's major is determined by a specialized committee. This is clarified when the course is announced. However, it should be noted that the courses are credited based on the student's major. For example, Islamic Studies courses are credited for Islamic Studies students, and Economics courses are credited for Economics students, and so on. The number of equivalent courses should not exceed 5 courses for undergraduate students and 3 courses for graduate students.

جــ: يبدأ التقديم وتسجيل البيانات الشخصية على بوابة القبول الإلكترونية في نهاية كل فصل دراسي وفق المواعيد الزمنية التي يتم الإعلان عنهافي موقع الجامعة ، ونعم يوجد قبول بين الفصلين . 




  • Bachelor's degree: $1,460.
  • Master's degree: $1,660.

Ph.D.: $2,660.

Ans: It is not recognized at the Arab level except by the Republic of Somalia. However, it is recognized in several countries in East Asia and most African countries. The university administration is striving to obtain accreditation from various countries around the world.

Ans: Currently, there are no such proficiency tests.

Ans: The (DN) grade is assigned to a student who exceeds an absence of 25% of the total lectures for the entire semester.



 The application and registration of personal data begin at the end of each academic semester, according to the announced timelines on the university's website. Yes, there is admission between semesters.

Ans: You can apply through the university's website, specifically the admission portal. Fill out the new application form and complete the data entry. Then, from the Admission and Registration Deanship page, download the admission guide and adhere to the specified deadlines for each stage. The application process is online, and there is no need to visit the university or attend in person.

Ans: Yes, you can, but only the first application will be considered.

Ans: Keep your certificates because you don't need to send or deliver them to the university at all. What is required is to upload your national ID, academic transcript, and a scanned personal photo through the application portal on the website.

Ans: You should use a scanner device only to obtain clear documents. Save the files in PDF or JPG format and ensure that the size does not exceed the limit specified on the website for each file. Avoid capturing documents using your mobile phone camera.

Ans: Any application that does not meet the submission requirements, including payment, will not be considered.


Ans: Follow up on your application through the "Application Status" icon. Once you receive the acceptance, the acceptance notification will be sent to you.

Ans: After the announcement of admission results according to the announced date, you will receive a notification on the electronic registration portal page.



A: Log in to the student's academic portal to update your information.

Ans: You can change your major according to the admission regulations by contacting the administration.

Ans: Make sure to write your email correctly or check your spam or junk folders.

Ans: You can pay the fees online through the following link:

Alternatively, you can contact the financial affairs department at the following number: 00967734283389.

Ans: 48 hours.


A: The student should contact the website administration to send the details after verifying their information.


1. Re-enrollment (for students on leave, academically dismissed, or fully withdrawn): First week of classes. 

2. Deferral: Until the end of the first week of classes.

3. Apology: From the second week to the twelfth week. Automatic

4. Transfer: From the seventh week until the eighth week of classes.



  1. It is not counted within the official study duration.
  2. Students can defer for two consecutive semesters or three separate semesters.
  3. Deferral for two consecutive academic years is not allowed in the full academic year system.
  4. Students do not lose their honor ranking upon graduation.


  1. It is counted within the official study duration.
  2. Students can apologize for three consecutive semesters.
  3. Apology for two consecutive academic years is not allowed.
  4. Students lose their honor ranking upon graduation.

Ans: Students are allowed to transfer only once.

Ans: Yes, students can change their mind about the transfer until the first week of classes. They should go to the Admission and Registration Deanship (Academic Affairs Section for reversal requests).


  • The student must have completed at least one semester in their current college, excluding deferment or apology semesters.
  • The student should submit an automatic change of major request within the official period, according to the University of Minnesota calendar.
  • The remaining official study duration for the student should be sufficient to complete the graduation requirements.
  • Students who are on leave, academically dismissed, or fully withdrawn in the current semester are not eligible to transfer to another major.
  • Students who have completed more than half of the credit hours in their current study plan are not eligible to transfer to another major.

Ans: No. Students are not allowed to re-enroll after two academic semesters have passed since their leave or withdrawal.

Ans: A student can request the removal of courses from their previous department's plan after the transfer process has been approved by the department, but before receiving the document, with the condition of the transfer.

Ans: No. Implementing a deferral or apology does not affect the cumulative GPA.


  • Apology: It is an academic action in which a student can apologize for the semester without being considered failed if they provide an acceptable excuse to the Admission and Registration Deanship, according to the announced deadlines in the university calendar. The student receives a grade of (ع) or (W), and it is counted as part of the official study duration.
  • Full Withdrawal: It is a request from the student to terminate their affiliation with the university. The system electronically communicates with most relevant departments across colleges to verify the student's obligations towards them, and the student is electronically disaffiliated without the need to visit these departments. This is known as a full withdrawal from the university.

Ans: A student is allowed three apologies, which can be consecutive or separate. The student loses their honor ranking upon graduation.

Ans: A student is allowed three deferrals, which can be consecutive or separate.

Ans: The deferred semester is not counted as part of the official study duration. It does not affect the honor ranking.

Ans: At the end of each semester, according to the announced timetable at the University of Minnesota.

Ans: 15 credit hours for undergraduate students and 9 credit hours for graduate students.

Ans: A student can submit a request to register for courses beyond the maximum credit load if they are in their graduation semester, and registration is done with the department's approval for up to 3 credit hours beyond the limit.

Ans: Some courses in a student's plan cannot be taken unless a prerequisite course has been successfully completed, and the prerequisites are shown when clicking on the course name in the student's plan.


A: A student can submit a request to register for a course without meeting its prerequisite, and the department will review the request and take appropriate action for the student.

Ans: 21 credit hours for undergraduate students and 15 credit hours for graduate students.


  1. Calculating the points for each course: Points for each course = Grade of the course out of 100 * 0.05. 
  2. Calculating the semester GPA: Semester GPA = Sum of points for all courses in the semester ÷ Number of courses in the semester. 
  3. Calculating the cumulative GPA: Cumulative GPA = Sum of points for all courses ÷ Number of all courses.

Ans: The Admission and Registration Deanship provides a form for reviewing and modifying a student's result after filling in all the required data through electronic archiving by the department offering the course.

Ans: The (A) grade is given to a student who attended throughout the semester but missed only the final exam.

Ans: The student submits an acceptable excuse stating the reason for missing the final exam to the head of the department offering the course, accompanied by documents proving the validity of the excuse. If approved, the designated form is filled out and officially sent to the Admission and Registration Deanship within one semester.

Ans: The (IC) grade means "In-Complete" and is usually assigned to research courses such as graduation projects.

Ans: The (IC) grade is modified by filling out the specific form by the course instructor, followed by approval from the head of the department and the dean of the college, and it is officially sent to the Admission and Registration Deanship before the end of the semester following the semester in which the (IC) grade was assigned.

Ans: In the case of a student transferring or changing their major or modifying their plan, the general courses are automatically equated, and then the specialization courses are equated with the approval of the department offering the course.

Ans: All courses that are internally equated are included in the GPA calculation.


To credit courses, the student must fulfill the following:

-  Study at least one semester at the Islamic University of Minnesota>

- Pay 50% of the tuition fees due for the study.

- The grade of the course to be equated should not be less than 80%.

Submitting the request does not imply approval, but it will be reviewed. If approved, a document with the equivalent courses will be sent.

Ans: The (IP) grade means "In-Progress" and is entered by the course instructor for completion in the following semester. It is given to annual courses such as graduation project courses.


1. Information update (name, location, mobile number). 

2. Printing: a. Certificate of Enrollment. b. Student Schedule. c. Academic Record for regular students. d. Guidance Record.

Ans: The student can change it from their electronic page. If they are unable to modify it, they can contact the administration or the Information Technology Deanship. If the name has been completely changed, they need to provide a certificate from the civil affairs indicating the name change.

Ans: They can submit an electronic request for modification through the remote services of the deanship, or they can contact the Information Technology Deanship.

Ans: The requirements include: filling out the form, downloading the Zoom program and familiarizing yourself with its usage, and following any other instructions provided at the time.

Ans: You can download the program from the Play Store or through the following links:

  1. To download it on your computer or laptop:

  1. To download it on your Android phone (Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi):

  1. To download it on your iOS device (iPhone, iPad):

Ans: Contact the administration to provide you with your application number.


  1. Verify personal information from the student's page on the e-services portal as it appears in the passport, before the end of the semester. 
  2. Complete the electronic clearance process on the student's page, and after it is approved by all parties, it can be printed. 
  3. Send the university ID card and the clearance form to the graduation department or as announced for document collection.



 The student receives the original diploma, which is signed and stamped by the Islamic University of Minnesota, the Office of Justice, and the U.S. Department of State. It is also authenticated in both Arabic and English, along with the academic transcript.


 The document collection date is announced on the Admission and Registration Deanship's website two weeks after the release of the semester's results.

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