University President
Speech of the University President
We ask Allah to bless the efforts of all those in charge of this university from the administrative and teaching staff, whether those who teach in person at the university's headquarters or those who teach and supervise university students in its various branches, and remotely. Praise be to Allah, the number of university students who study remotely via the Internet has reached about five thousand students in all over the world, and more than two hundred doctors, male and female, from the faculty members.
Today, God willing, we are witnessing the graduation of about ninety male and female students, who studied here in attendance in the state of Minnesota, some of them completed the master’s stage, some of them the bachelor’s stage, and some of them the diploma stage (two years), so we ask Allah to increase their elevation and honor.
Graduating and obtaining a certificate must not be the end of the path for the seeker of knowledge, rather it is the beginning of the path. The student will have obtained the keys that, he can start with and open the way for him to further study and learning, because the request must be from the cradle to the grave, and with the inkwell to the cemetery, as it came from our righteous predecessors, may Allah Almighty be pleased with them.
We repeat the preparation of the graduates, and we ask Allah Almighty for more success and success for them. And may God’s blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.