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Training Course Records
Training Course Records
تصفية بحسب التاريخ
تصفية بحسب النوع
اسم دورة
لأ يوجد سجلات تحمل هذا الاسم
تطبيق التصفية
مسح الفلتر
Interactive Lecture Titled: "Towards Reshaping the Fiqh Mindset"
Interactive Lecture Titled: "Our Islam That We Do Not Know"
A Lecture Titled: "The Age of Forty in the Quran"
Interactive Lecture Titled: "The Value of Knowledge and Scholars in the Sight of God"
Interactive Lecture Titled: "Two Main Differences between Islam and Christianity"
02 A Training Course Titled: Methodology of Learning Tafsir
01 A Training Course Titled: Methodology of Learning Tafsir
The Eighth session of the "Facilitated Jurisprudence" by Dr. Manal Mustafa.
The Seventh session of the "Facilitated Jurisprudence" by Dr. Manal Mustafa.
لا يوجد بيانات متطابقة لعملية البحث