Dean of the College
Dr. Youssef Bani Younes
Dean's Speech
On the occasion of my appointment as Dean of the College of Development Studies and Disaster/Crisis Management, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the esteemed Professor Omar Al-Maqrami, Vice President of the Islamic University of Minnesota, Main Center, for the precious trust he has placed in me. I pray to Allah Almighty that I will live up to his expectations.
I would also like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to all members of the College family, faculty, students, and administrators, as well as all stakeholders from social partners, for the joy and acceptance I have received from them and for their willingness to cooperate and show solidarity in carrying out this noble mission, which is based on serving our students and empowering them with the scientific knowledge and research experience that they will contribute to building their nations and developing their societies. I would also like to express my appreciation for the efforts made by my fellow deans in raising the challenges of our university and bringing it to the desired scientific level, wishing them continued health and continued scientific and pedagogical giving in the field of teaching and scientific research.
In this context, I would like to point out that the university plays a leading role in the development and development project and in facing the various challenges that hinder our progress towards achieving the goals of our nation and the right of our societies to development and prosperity. Therefore, I find myself obliged to invite all members of the College family to engage in this good effort from their different positions, each according to his capacity, position, and position in the structural building of the institution. In no way can we dispense with any intellectual effort to develop the college and enable it to contribute to the scientific project of development.
The work methodology that we will follow, Allah willing, is based on the following basic pillars:
- Dialogue with all stakeholders in the college (students, faculty, administrators, workers), and within the framework of the authorized bodies.
- Respect for the laws governing pedagogical work, scientific research, and professional activity in accordance with the university's regulations.
- Mutual respect among all stakeholders, and the consecration of the values of tolerance, refinement, and brotherhood.
- Respect for academic values and the pursuit of the establishment of scientific ethics and adherence to them.
- Respect for pedagogical deadlines and schedules to ensure the smooth running of the academic year.
- Encourage the spirit of initiative and creativity in proposing constructive projects and ideas.
In this context, I hope that we will all live up to each other's expectations, and that we will unite around our goals, and the goals of our university, thereby denying all our personal luck and whims, and all of us moving towards achieving the university of the future.
Finally, I renew my thanks and gratitude to the esteemed Vice President and all the staff working with him, and a sincere greeting to the President of the University, His Excellency Professor Walid bin Idris Al-Menisi - may Allah preserve him - expecting that I will find with them all the support and assistance to carry out the task entrusted to me.
Former Deans