An overview of the Department

The Department of History and Archaeology is one of the important and main departments in the College of Arts and Humanities. It focuses on the study of the history and archaeology of the Arab East and West, as well as the history and archaeology of ancient Egyptian civilization, from ancient, medieval, and Islamic periods to modern times. Geographically situated between the Arab East and West, it is considered closer to the East due to historical and geographical ties. 

The department delves into the depths of history, starting from the pre-Islamic era, through the early Islamic period and the establishment of the state in the prophetic era, the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, and the subsequent periods. It witnesses the formation of Islamic states and capitals and proceeds to review the Islamic civilization, which includes economic, political, and social systems, as well as Islamic sciences and arts in their various forms. 

The department highlights the sources of Islamic history and the ways Islam spread in East Africa, as well as the Islamic civilization in Africa, following a gradual and historical methodology in studying historical periods and civilizational stages. The aim is to form a generation with comprehensive knowledge of the history and issues of their Arab nation and its tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Department Vision

Achieving pioneering outcomes in the field of ancient, medieval, Islamic, and modern historical and archaeological studies. Highlighting the leading role of the peoples of the region throughout successive eras and their contributions to enriching human civilization. Enhancing historical scientific research and promoting archaeological awareness.

Department Mission

Preparing scientific cadres of specialized researchers with the capability and scientific competence in the field of history and archaeology. Strengthening the Arab identity among generations by connecting them with the history of their ancestors and enhancing their awareness of the value of their tangible and intangible archaeological heritage.

Department Goals

Academic Nature of the Specialization

The program aims to prepare graduates specialized in historical and archaeological studies, equipping them with comprehensive knowledge of their country's history and a deep understanding of its intellectual and material heritage, as represented by its artifacts. Graduates will be capable of responding to skeptics and falsifiers of their history and advocating for the return of looted artifacts taken through Western archaeological expeditions.

Graduate work Areas

Graduates from this department can work in the following fields:

  • Teaching at universities and research centers.
  • Working in the media sector, such as journalism, radio, and television.
  • Working in the diplomatic field and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Working for the General Authority for Antiquities and Tourism as archaeological inspectors.
  • Serving as curators at archaeological and heritage sites, and museums.
  • Working in the tourism sector as tour guides.
  • Engaging in archaeological excavations.
  • Writing and authoring scientific works in the field of history and archaeology.

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