Overview of the Department
The Department of History and Archaeology is one of the essential and main departments within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. It focuses on the study of the history and archaeology of the Arab East and West, as well as the history and archaeology of ancient Egyptian civilization from ancient, medieval, Islamic times to the modern era. Although it occupies a geographical position between the Arab East and West, it is considered closer to the East due to historical and geographical ties. The department delves deep into the history of the pre-Islamic era, transitioning through the early Islamic period and the establishment of the state during the Prophetic era and the era of the Rashidun Caliphs and their successors. It witnesses the formation of Islamic states and capitals, further showcasing Islamic civilization, which comprises economic systems, political systems, social systems, and various forms of Islamic arts and sciences. The department highlights sources of Islamic history and ways Islam spread in East Africa, as well as Islamic civilization in Africa, following a methodological approach of gradual and historical tracing in studying historical periods and civilizational stages. The aim is to cultivate a generation with comprehensive knowledge of their Arab heritage and its material and immaterial legacy.
Department Vision
To achieve pioneering outputs in the field of historical and archaeological studies, ancient, medieval, Islamic, and modern. To highlight the leading role of the peoples of the region in successive eras, and their role in enriching human civilization, enriching historical research, and spreading archaeological awareness.
Department Mission
To prepare scientific cadres of specialized researchers with the scientific ability and competence in the specialization of history and archaeology, to root the Arab identity among generations by linking them to the history of their ancestors and enhancing their awareness of the value of their tangible and intangible archaeological heritage.
Department Goals

This program aims to form and prepare distinguished cadres in the field of historical and archaeological knowledge.

Develop students' abilities in critical thinking and logical analysis in light of the study of historical and archaeological phenomena.

Train students to understand the developments and changes in the field of historical sciences, and archaeological discoveries and artifacts.

Help students to get acquainted with ancient آثار in different eras and link them to the historical, political, and religious events that necessitated their existence.

Equip students with the skills to apply the scientific method to monitor historical phenomena and compare them with archaeological evidence in an integrated and comprehensive approach.

Graduating students who are able to analyze and classify archaeological artifacts in light of the eras that created and produced them.

Enable students to defend the history of their homelands from what has been attached to it of falsification and change.

Teaching specialized languages related to the scientific materials within the department, to access specialized scientific research.
Academic Nature of the Specialization
It aims to prepare specialized graduates in the field of historical and archaeological studies who are fully aware of the history of their homelands, and have a great knowledge of their intellectual and material heritage to respond to doubters and falsifiers of their history, and to demand those who looted those civilizations to return the looted archaeology as a result of Western archaeological discoveries.
Graduate work Areas:
Graduates of this department can work in the following fields:
- Teaching in universities and research centers.
- Working in the media field such as journalism, radio, and television.
- The field of diplomatic work, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Working in the General Authority for Antiquities and Tourism, as inspectors of archaeological.
- Work as trustees in archaeological and heritage sites, and museums.
- Work in the tourism sector as tourist guides.
- Working in the field of archaeological excavations.
- Scientific writing and authorship in the field of history and archaeology.