Prof. Assis. Badia Suleiman Ali Abdel Qader
Department head’s speech
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the lamp of darkness, the key to the abode of peace, and the sun of light of Islam, our master Muhammad, the seal of the prophets and messengers, may God bless him and his family and all his companions.
We are very happy to welcome you to the website of the College of Mass Communication, Bachelor’s Degree at the Islamic University in the blessed American state of Minnesota, which illuminates the paths of knowledge and success for all its students, pioneers, and cadres, especially through the Mass Communication Department, which represents and embodies all types of science and knowledge through science and valuable information that students receive through lectures, workshops, and courses. And seminars, conferences and forums in various innovative ways that keep pace with the development that has occurred in the world through a group of the most distinguished and best scholars and thinkers in the field of media, especially with the readiness of the department and college in terms of schedules, courses, curricula and the diversity of specializations of the teaching staff who have the qualifications and who spare no effort in conveying useful information. For our dear students, for whom this blessed edifice was established under the rational and wise leadership of the venerable Sheikh, the guiding leader and the wise administrator, His Excellency the President of the University, Sheikh Professor Walid Ibn Idris Al-Manisi, may God protect him, the University Vice Dean, the honorable Professor Dr. Omar Ibn Ahmed Al-Maqrami, and His Excellency the scholar Professor Abdul Karim Al-Wazzan, Dean of the College Media, the Vice Dean of the College of Mass Communication, Dr. Al-Fadel, Associate Professor Abdel Salam Al-Wahati, all the department heads, all the administrators, the supporting administrative units, and the secretaries, all of them always welcome you to the College of Mass Communications, Bachelor’s Department, in the second semester, to soar over the spaces of the future, to transform the dream into reality, to hone talents, and to produce a creative, civilized Islamic media generation. Conscious enters the spaces of the world with confidence.