Department head’s speech

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful 

And peace be upon His servants whom He has chosen, and after: 

The science of public relations, with its new concepts, is considered one of the newest sciences belonging to the management sciences, closely related to the media sciences. Scientific development related to the complexity of social life, from which the establishment of public and private institutions and bodies emerged, has played an important role in reframing mutual human relations, which has necessitated the necessity of communicating with the masses and Introducing them to these institutions, their goals, programs and objectives, by communicating the ideas and mission of these institutions between their leaders and employees on the one hand, and between these institutions and the audiences related to them on the other hand, at the local and international levels,  for the purpose of creating a clear basis that leads to understanding The existence of these institutions, confidence in their purposes and the facilitation of their tasks, and creating a state of consensus is an important factor in the success of these institutions and uprooting the destructive factors produced by cases of suspicion and mistrust that may accompany cases of loss of trust between the institutions and their workers, or between the institutions and their audiences, and for all of that. Modern institutions began to give public relations more care and attention, and their countries established colleges concerned with graduating specialists who serve this new specialty, the expansion of which led to its name being changed in many scientific bodies to the name (strategic communication). 

We, at our great university, were supervised by Professor Walid Al-Manisi, University Director, Dr. Omar Al-Maqrami, Head of the Main Center and Vice President of the University, and the care of Professor Brigadier General Abdul Karim Al-Wazzan. 

Undersecretary Dr. Abdul Salam Al-Wahati established the Department of Public Relations (Strategic Communication) - Postgraduate Studies, and gave it the attention it deserved to carry out its required role in qualifying the students affiliated with it scientifically and practically, under the auspices of a group of highly specialized doctors in this field to help them enter this profession with a promising future. God willing. 

Peace be upon you and the mercy of God

Islamic University of Minnesota

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