Unit tasks
The Monitoring Unit at the university performs a range of tasks to achieve its objectives, including:
- Developing and implementing periodic monitoring plans for various units of the university.
- Monitoring the instructions issued by the Vice Chancellor that require internal monitoring within the university, scheduled based on priority and level of importance, while considering the time required for each file.
- Monitoring and receiving periodic reports from units to assess their workflow and preparing reports on their performance levels.
- Collecting data and information necessary for performance analysis.
- Developing and improving monitoring programs and systems.
- Providing suggestions and recommendations to improve performance.
- Providing data, information, and support for decision-making.
- Archiving and organizing all unit and college work, regulations, and systems electronically for future reference and monitoring work and achievements through them.
- Participating in regular meetings held for administrative unit and college managers to discuss updates related to their work.
- Monitoring the regularity of university employees' attendance.
- Ensuring the proper use of university property.