About the deanship

About the deanship

The Deanship of Student Affairs is one of the most prominent deanships of the university, as it takes care of students inside the university headquarters and via the Internet, supervising their various activities and playing an effective role in developing the student’s personality, developing his skills and increasing his abilities in dealing with his future and life, and trying to help him solve his academic and psychological problems. Which may hinder his educational career.

Deanship vision

Leadership and excellence in student services and activities, and enhancing student participation in educational, cultural, artistic and volunteer activities.

Deanship message

Providing high-quality student services and activities to graduate distinguished cadres who contribute to the advancement of the scientific renaissance, through the deanship’s commitment to students in enhancing the personal and psychological development of students through social, cultural, scientific, and intellectual activities that would contribute to completing the students’ academic lives.

Strategic objectives of the deanship

Applying quality standards in the Deanship of Student Affairs.
Improving the level of student services and activities provided by the Deanship of Student Affairs.
Building partnerships with other educational institutions.

Islamic University of Minnesota

in Islamic Studies online

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