Deanship Director

Dr. Zeinab Ali Basyuni
Deanship Director’s speech
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may God’s blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and all his companions. As for what follows:
Today, the Islamic University of Minnesota has become, thank God, one of the most prestigious universities in the world and the focus of attention of students and those wishing to continue their university and graduate studies. The university seeks, through its distinguished staff, to advance the educational and academic process and attract qualified students and teachers from all over the world.
The Islamic University has emerged greatly in the field of distance education, by using modern and appropriate technological programs in education so that students can follow scientific lessons and lectures with ease.
The university was also able, thank God, to extend bridges of science and knowledge through the agreements it established with many private and governmental universities around the world, and through its branches spread around the world.
The Deanship of Student Affairs has occupied a distinguished and effective position due to the nature of the responsibilities entrusted to it, and the tasks it undertakes to serve students and coordinate their university life in various cultural, scientific and literary fields. The Deanship of Student Affairs also seeks to form the student’s integrated personality through the various academic activities and courses it carries out and provides the necessary services to them.