Dr. Khaled Mohamed Ahmed Attia
Department head’s speech
Praise be to God, and may God’s blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, his companions, and those who are guided by his guidance. Now then...
The Islamic University of Minnesota is always keen to provide students with knowledge and skills in various academic disciplines, and to prepare graduates capable of meeting the needs of society. Based on that vision, as well as the importance that has recently emerged for the field of political science due to the changes that have occurred in the international and national environments; The establishment of the Department of Political Science in the College of Arts and Human Sciences came to contribute to achieving these great goals of the university, and to keep pace with developments in the scientific and practical environments. This is done by working to prepare qualified political cadres at the scientific and practical levels. On the one hand, it contributes to enriching scientific research through solid scientific research and dissertations that keep pace with continuously evolving research agendas in the field of political science, and on the other hand, in providing symbols and leaders capable of managing political affairs at the national and international levels.
Hence, we - as a family of the Department of Political Science - continuously strive to provide the best scientific climate that suits the nature of distance education, and balances that nature with achieving the highest levels of educational quality. We work on this through: An elite group of competent and dedicated political science professors who are keen to provide the greatest support to students and make every effort to raise their standards. As well as a distinguished and innovative administrative structure that runs the educational process in a manner characterized by efficiency, professionalism, flexibility, and rigor at the same time, ensuring discipline and order. All this with short-term and long-term plans for continuous development, keeping pace with the requirements of each stage, and a conscious and supportive management that encourages everything new that will work to advance the department, college, and university.
In conclusion; We ask God Almighty for help, success, and guidance, and to provide us and our students with knowledge that is useful, and work that is good, and to guide us all to what He loves and is pleased with.