Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elham Moatasem Al Bashir Banqa
Head of Department's Speech
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and I pray and peace be upon His noble Prophet, Muhammad bin Abdullah. After that, we praise Allah very much for enabling our blessed university to spread knowledge and understanding throughout the world. We praise and thank Him, may He be glorified, for making it easy for us to do good and opening up horizons of knowledge for us to spread knowledge and understanding through this giant edifice, and this deep-rooted scientific edifice. From His grace and favor, may He be glorified, what He has made it easy for us to open new colleges, including the College of Development Studies with its various departments, including the Department of Disasters and Crises, to be a platform for knowledge and understanding and to address what the world is going through at the present time from disasters and crises.
It has opened its doors to receive students of knowledge, men and women, from all specializations related to it at the master's and doctoral levels. The College of Development Studies in general, and the Department of Disasters and Crises in particular, seeks to attract all segments of society through accredited educational programs according to the latest international academic standards to achieve the goals of the college and the university.
And among the blessings of Allah upon us is that the department received a distinguished group of professors to be a support and help for us in managing the department and fulfilling its mission, and achieving its goals. This can only be achieved with everyone's efforts, facilitating the causes and their convergence for further progress and advancement of this department to be a pioneer and distinguished at the level of the college and the university and compete with its counterparts regionally and internationally.
Therefore, the Department of Disasters and Crises welcomes all students who wish to join it from within or outside the university, and we are happy to receive your proposals that support the department's progress through the communication channels available to the university at all levels.
We ask Allah for acceptance, success, and guidance, and may Allah's peace and blessings be upon our master Mohammed, the Last of the Prophets.