Dean of the College

Dr. Abdul Razeq Al-Bakry
Dean's speech
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the end is for the righteous, and there is no aggression except against the wrongdoers, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of all creation, our master Muhammad and all his family and companions.
As for after…
No nation can rise to the brink of glory without having an educational renaissance based on sound methodological foundations and visions.
A nation cannot achieve advancement unless its young men and women are at the forefront of those who rise up. Hence, our college raises the banner of welcome to every male and female student who joined the college, and everyone is aware of the dimensions of the responsibility that has been placed on us and what the nation expects from all of us in order to advance it and raise its status.
We welcome every male and female student who believes that education is not a means of obtaining a job or a certificate as much as it is the goal of God raising its owners above others in degrees, and with it a person can worship his Lord, fulfill his obligations, and raise his child in the manner that pleases him. (Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?" It is only men of understanding who will remember (i.e. get a lesson from Allah's Signs and Verses) [Al-Zumar: 9].
We also welcome every student who believes in the capabilities of the university and that it has become a sign referred to as Lebanon, and that one day, with the grace of God Almighty, it will be one of the first universities to spread the moderate and correct thought of Islam in the entire world.
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the website of the College of Islamic Studies at the Islamic University of Minnesota, and we are keen to communicate with you through this window, which we are pleased to visit and communicate with us through, and we hope that you will find everything you want to know about our college.
What we hold in terms of trust needs our collective hands, administration, members, staff, students, and students in order to reach the desired goal, praying to everyone for a happy, bright, successful academic year for all of us.