The Electronic Portal and Applications
The Electronic Portal and Applications Unit is responsible for establishing and operating the university portal and its affiliated colleges and units to provide electronic services such as services for faculty members, students and workers, scientific research services and services of the various university sectors, which are in particular concerned with the following:
- Establishing, managing and maintaining websites for all university units and colleges.
- Creating university websites based on search engine optimization standards in order to improve their visibility in search engines, and those pages appear in advanced ranks in search results.
- Creating, following up and maintaining forms for publishing news on website and all its affiliated units, where the university’s website is considered the gateway to displaying university news and getting acquainted with the most important events that take place in the university and its various faculties.
- Designing friendly and interactive interfaces with the user with dynamic effects that create an atmosphere of interaction, taking into account the application of standards for user experiences.
- Browse the website from various screens and systems such as smart phones, tablets, communication devices, smart interaction, and touch screens of different sizes.
- Availability of the university's electronic management system services through the university's website and facilitating quick access to electronic services.
- Paying attention to the various means of social communication because of their importance and demand from browsers, in addition to the ease of access to the information required from them.
- Showing statistics and data about Ain Shams University in terms of its classification, the number of its faculties, students, faculty members, and other general data.
- Work to increase the scientific, research and interactive content on the websites of the university, colleges and faculty members in order to raise the university's classification in the Arab world, Africa and the world.