About the department
The department teaches all courses related to the sciences of the Qur'an, mainly: the Holy Qur’an, interpretation, Qur’anic sciences, readings, intonation, analytical interpretation courses, objective interpretation, Qur’anic sciences, interpreters’ curricula, courses of analytical interpretation, Quranic miracles of all kinds, readings, and the principles of interpretation, and others, in the master's and doctoral levels.
Department Vision
Pioneering the graduation of a distinguished teacher in the teaching of the Holy Qur’an and its sciences, interested in everything that serves Sharia sciences and meets the needs of society according to a program that adopts excellence in teaching and modern scientific research and in accordance with the vision of the ambitious university.
Department Mission
Qualifying specialists in the Holy Qur’an and its sciences, and enriching specialized scientific research to serve the local and international community.
Department Goals

Graduating a highly qualified teacher in teaching the Holy Qur’an in all its branches: (recitation, memorization, intonation, and interpretation)

Enabling the teacher to recite the correct and quality

Providing the teacher with interpretation, its origins, and the sciences of the Holy Qur’an to be able to clarify the most important meanings of the Holy Quran

Providing the teacher of the Holy Qur’an with educational sciences and knowledge to derive legal rulings and link them to the lived reality

Providing the teacher of the Holy Qur’an with learning methods that are commensurate with teaching the Holy Qur’an and intonation

The ability to refute suspicions raised about the Holy Qur’an and to nullify claims of doubting its revelation and legislation or the prophet hood of our master Mohammed, may God bless him and grant him peace

Providing a stimulating scientific environment for learning and research progress, and partnering with the relevant authorities to qualify the teacher of the Holy Qur’an and its sciences, keeping pace with technical development and benefiting from it to teach the Holy Qur’an and its sciences

Upgrading the student's rhetorical and graphic level and the ability to express in the right way

Developing the student's abilities and talents through scientific research and its various methods
Academic nature of the major
The program aims to prepare graduates specialized in interpretation and the sciences of the Qur’an, who are able to enrich in-depth scientific research in the field of Qur'anic studies and the sciences of interpretation, and provide students with scientific material to respond to suspicions directed at the Holy Qur’an, and highlight the approach of moderation in Islam and the call to Allah Almighty, guided by the approach of the Holy Qur’an in all of that.
Graduate Work Areas
Graduates from this department can work in the following fields:
- Teaching in universities and legal centers.
- Department of Islamic affairs in government sectors.
- Imamate in the mosque, giving lessons on the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an, and the Friday sermon.
- Research centers in universities and institutions in the field of the Qur’an and its sciences.