Dr. Musab Nabil
Department head’s speech
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and the most pure prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions, and after;
The sciences of hadith have gained their status from the status and status of the Prophetic Sunnah, as the honor of knowledge is equal to the honor of the known, and the best sciences after the Book of God Almighty are the sciences of the Prophetic Sunnah, and our righteous predecessors were keen on the sciences of hadith as narration and knowledge that is sufficient for God Almighty and in service to this religion, and the generations of the nation passed on the honor of this trustworthiness and presented the most brilliant. Examples of control, inspection, and mastery in everything related to the Sunnah of the Prophet and its sciences.
It is through God’s grace upon us that God Almighty has made it easy for us to be students of this honorable knowledge so that we may have the honor of defending the Sunnah of our Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and to participate in denying the distortion of the extremists, the impersonation of the false, and the interpretation of the ignorant.
In the Department of the Prophetic Sunnah at the College of Islamic Studies - Islamic University of Minnesota, we are pleased to welcome our students, hoping that they will make the best efforts to acquire useful knowledge and to gain the honor of carrying and defending the Prophetic Sunnah.
Note that in the department, through the master’s and doctoral stages, we address the most important hadith sciences in terms of: the reformist, the hadith scholars’ methods, the causes, the science of men, and the position of the intellectual school and the orientalists on the Sunnah of the Prophet. The study methods vary between lectures, short assignments, research, and dissertations, to bring our students to prestigious levels of research.
We are full of hope and confidence that our students are up to the responsibility they have chosen for themselves. They will provide a distinctive qualitative addition to students of Islamic sciences and those carrying the Sunnah of the Prophet.