The quality of the academic program

Second axis The curriculum
Third axis Teaching and learning
Fourth axis Faculty members
Fifth axis The library and learning resources
Sixth axis Student progress and evaluating their performance
Seventh axis Facilities and support services
Eighth axis Academic program management
Ninth axis Scientific research and external communication
Tenth axis Quality management and improvement

First axis: Program objectives and learning outcomes

The objectives of the academic program must be clear and specific and measurable in order to know the extent to which the academic program achieves the objectives and learning outcomes of the program and to follow up on the implementation of the academic agenda and standards for quality assurance and development through follow-up of departments.

Second axis: the curriculum

1. Existence of a detailed study plan showing the courses, their classification and sequence, and clarifying the number of hours of study expected from the student for each course.

2. Covering the study plan of the various fields of the knowledge in the specialization with appropriate depth and expansion, so that the subjects of the specialization are not less than 60 percent. 

3. Detailed study for each course, including the following:

- General description of the course.

- General and detailed objectives.

- Learning outcomes.

- Schedule of lectures.

- Teaching and evaluation methods.

- Approved book and supporting references.

4. Modernity of the curriculum and its consistency with modern trends in Specialization and scientific research related to it.

5. Curriculum review.

Third axis: Learning Education

  1. The diversity of teaching methods in accordance with the prescribed curriculum and achieving its objectives.
  2. The extent to which teaching and learning methods contribute to the. development of skills required by the labor market.
  3. Deepening and enhancing self-learning among students.
  4. Harmony and interaction between students and faculty members.
  5. Interaction between students and the development of team spirit.
  6. Using information technology in the teaching process.

Fourth axis: Faculty members

  1. Teaching staff availability of a suitable teaching staff in terms of number of experience and diversity of specialization.
  2. Faculty members cover all areas of knowledge of the specialization
  3. Qualifying and training of faculty members and continuous development to keep pace with recent developments in the field of specialization Existence of regulations.
  4.  Disciplined for appointment and promotion.
  5.  Existence of a disciplined system according to specific criteria for evaluating the faculty member on an ongoing basis.
  6. The extent of the stability of faculty members and their continuity in work.
  7.  The extent of participation of faculty members in conferences and scientific activities.
  8.  Responsibility for the development and evaluation of the curriculum.
  9.  The existence of a disciplined system in attracting faculty members with scientific competence.

Fifth Axis: The library and learning resources

  1. Appropriate learning resources for specialization and their good use in the educational process.
  2.  Participating in electronic information bases in the field of specialization.
  3.  The existence of an electronic system for managing educational content and the availability of electronic materials.

Sixth axis: Students' progress and evaluation of their performance

  1. Examining the extent to which students achieve the learning outcomes that qualify them to obtain a degree.
  2.  Extent of success of graduate students in the labor market and the degree of their achievement.
  3.  Students acquire the necessary skills for each level.
  4.  The existence of a mechanism that enables students to review and discuss their grades.
  5.  The diversity of student evaluation methods and their suitability for specialization and their contribution to learning.
  6.  The ability of evaluation methods to measure learning outcomes.

Seventh axis: administrative and support units

  1. Availability of classrooms (audio rooms).
  2.  Providing the faculty with an appropriate service for the Internet, printing and any support services.
  3.  Developing the website of the office to provide all quality information for university workers.
  4.  Providing links to local and international websites related to links.
  5.  Downloading updated university brochures such as (quality guide, And the student's guide, the university's guide, and all related guides to curricula, departments, and units) on the university's website.
  6.  The extent to which the teaching, technical, and administrative staff and students are able to use the supporting electronic information systems according to the nature of the need.
  7.  Preparing forms for administrative units.
  8.  Verifying that administrative units adhere to quality standards in their operations.
  9.  Spreading a culture of quality and good practices related to its applications to all administrative units. 
  10.  The availability of a unit for specialized psychological counseling.

Eighth axis: managing the academic program

  1. The presence of an introductory leaflet for the department containing the department’s goals, vision, mission and extent of commitment to them. 
  2. The presence of a department head with appropriate academic and administrative experience in the field of specialization to manage and upgrade the department.
  3.  Presence of a department council and support committees that meet regularly, document their work and follow up on their decisions.
  4.  Availability of sufficient and appropriate secretarial and administrative staff to ensure the proper functioning of work in the department.
  5.  Availability of specialized technical cadres qualified to serve the program.
  6. The existence of a complete archive for the department. 
  7. The existence of the introductory and orientation program for new students.
  8. The existence of academic support for students outside of lectures.

Ninth axis: Scientific research and external communication

  1. Scientific research activity of faculty members.
  2. Extent of contribution of faculty members in community service.
  3. Extent of student participation in scientific research activities.
  4. Agreements and cooperation with commercial companies, educational institutions and research centers.

Tenth axis: Quality management and improvement

  1. Existence of appropriate and activated mechanisms to continue to improve and develop the teaching process.
  2.  Existence Mechanisms for continuous academic, professional and educational development of faculty members and support staff.
  3.  The extent to which quality management mechanisms and procedures are applied and their effectiveness in improving quality.
  4.  The extent to which evaluation results are used for development and improvement with a documented time plan.
  5. There is a quality assurance unit in the college.
  6. The department is interested in evaluation results to set improvement and development plans for all aspects of the college's performance. 
  7. There are effective mechanisms for evaluating the performance of faculty members.
  8. The unit has a close relationship with programmatic accreditation institutions.

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