Scientific Committee Approves Raya Fayad's Research Plan

Scientific Committee Approves Raya Fayad's Research Plan


A scientific committee, chaired by Dr. Heba Abu Ayada, Head of the Educational Administration Department, has approved the research plan prepared by Raya Youssef Khalil Fayad, a Ph.D. student in the Educational Administration Department. The research plan is titled "Challenges Facing School Principals in the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Public Schools."

The Deanship of Graduate Studies at the Islamic University of Minnesota - Main Center, held a seminar to discuss four research plans, including Raya Fayad's plan, on Monday, April 29, 2024. The scientific committee that reviewed the four plans consisted of Dr. Heba Tawfiq Abu Ayada as the chairperson, Dr. Najla Saleh as a member, Dr. Asmaa Al-Jabri as a member, Professor Abdulsalam Al-Hatamleh as a member, and Dr. Ibrahim Al-Bahr as a member.