Khaled Al-Shahawi Appointed as Head of the Department of English Language and Literature

His Excellency Dr. Omar Al-Maqrami, Vice President of the Islamic University of Minnesota and Head of the Main Center, issued a decision to appoint Dr. Khaled Al-Qutb Al-Shahawi as Head of the Department of English Language and Literature, on Sunday, July 7, 2024.
Dr. Khaled Al-Shahawi holds a Ph.D. in English Language (Applied Linguistics - Teaching English as a Foreign Language) from Mansoura University - Egypt, a Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics - Teaching English as a Foreign Language) from Northumbria University - England, a Master of Arts in English Language from the University (IUM) with an excellent grade of (4.5), a General Diploma in Teacher Preparation in English Language Literature from Ain Shams University - Egypt, a Special Diploma in Teaching English Language from Tanta University - Egypt, and a Bachelor of Arts and Education in English Language from Tanta University - Egypt.
Dr. Al-Shahawi has extensive practical experience, including working at the Islamic University of Minnesota in the United States of America, Distance Learning Branch, to teach undergraduate and graduate students specializing in English literature from 2021 to the present, and teaching English language skills at the Deanship of the Preparatory Year at Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia from 1/9/2020 to 2021.
Dr. Al-Shahawi also possesses many skills, including the ability to speak both Arabic and English fluently, the ability to deal with computer programs with high efficiency, and the ability to be creative and work with the university in a spirit of participation.
In his first reaction to the appointment decision, Dr. Al-Shahawi said: "I am pleased to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. Rahab Samir for what she has offered throughout her presidency of the department, and I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Vice President of the University Dr. Omar Al-Maqrami, and His Excellency the Vice President of the University Dr. Zainab Ali, and His Excellency the Dean of the College Dr. Ismail Hamed for honoring me by appointing me as Head of the English Language Department at the Islamic University, and I ask God Almighty to help us bear the responsibility with my colleagues, members of the faculty in the department, to reach what they all aspire to in our blessed educational edifice."
The Islamic University Media Center published a picture of a certificate of appreciation awarded by the university administration to Dr. Rahab Samir, the former head of the department, which expressed its "sincere thanks and deep appreciation to Dr. Rahab Samir for her distinguished giving and the great efforts she made in the presidency of the Department of English Language and Literature, which contributed significantly to laying the foundations of the department and the success of the educational process in it."