First Technical Camp for College of Computing and Information Technology

First Technical Camp for College of Computing and Information Technology

Under the patronage of the Vice President of the Islamic University of Minnesota, Head of the Main Center, Dr. Omar bin Ahmed Al-Maqrami, Dean of the College of Computing and Information Technology, Dr. Munir Abdulbari, and Vice Dean of the College, Dr. Salah Alawi, the College of Computing and Information Technology launched the (First Technical Camp) for the college.

The camp lasted for two days, from Wednesday, July 3, 2024 (from 7 pm to 11 pm Mecca time) to Thursday, July 4, 2024 (from 7 pm to 10 pm Mecca time).

The camp witnessed the presentation of various scientific workshops, the most important of which were:

  • Workshop (Mechanisms for Choosing Integrated ERP Systems and the Implementation Plan): Presented by the Head of the Information Systems Department, Dr. Saleh Al-Riyashi.
  • Workshop (Computer Science and Software Development): Presented by the Head of the Computer Science Department, Dr. Ziaul Haq Issa Hamed.
  • Workshop (Cybersecurity and its Applications): Presented by the Vice Dean of the College, Head of the Networks and Cybersecurity Department, Dr. Salah Alawi.
  • Workshop (Artificial Intelligence and its Applications): Presented by the Head of the Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Department, Dr. Mohammed Habib Al-Samkari.

Dean of the College, Dr. Munir Abdulbari, stated in a communication with the News Editorial Department that he seeks to have the media center produce the activities of the technical camp in a booklet, as a closing activity for the camp, which will benefit students in the fields that the camp dealt with in the four workshops, and as part of the introduction to the College of Computing and Information Systems.