International Relations Administration Announces Political Training Course

International Relations Administration Announces Political Training Course


The International Relations and Cooperation Administration at the Islamic University of Minnesota - main center, has announced the organization of an important training course titled "Political Qualification," in collaboration with the Department of Political Science at the College of Arts and Political Science.

A source in the International Relations and Cooperation Administration stated that the course will be highly beneficial for those aspiring to work in politics. It will also be useful for university leaders, professors, researchers, individuals seeking to join parliament, those interested in passing foreign ministry exams in any country, and those interested in representing their university on the international stage, in addition to anyone interested in diplomatic affairs.

The source added that the course will even be valuable for those wishing to change their career path, as it will assist them in achieving distinct professional development in this direction. The source emphasized that this training course will be among the most powerful global courses and will be accredited by international bodies. Internationally renowned trainers, including ministers and ambassadors, will be conducting the course.

It is worth mentioning that the announcement of the course includes an invitation for interested participants to register by filling out the registration form available at the following link: