Student Affairs Deanship Organizes Special Ceremony to Honor Outstanding Students

Student Affairs Deanship Organizes Special Ceremony to Honor Outstanding Students


A special ceremony was organized by the Student Affairs Deanship at its two units to honor the outstanding students in the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The ceremony took place on Monday, November 26, 2024, starting at 5:00 PM under the supervision of Dr. Zainab Bessiouni, the Dean of the Deanship.

Mr. Suleiman Maqboul, the Director of the Undergraduate Student Affairs Unit, began with a welcoming speech to the students, saying, "We appreciate today, with love, your efforts and hard work that you have exerted, as you are examples of exemplary students." He concluded his speech with a sincere invitation to the students, saying, "We ask Allah to bless you with righteousness, raise your status in knowledge, establish you in goodness, and open for you the doors of sustenance and permanent success."

After that, the names of the outstanding students in the undergraduate stage were announced through attractive designs prepared by the media center, decorated with the names and pictures of the honorees, along with congratulatory messages. The students and members of the faculty and staff received many wishes and congratulations from those who congratulated them.

Then, Ms. Amima Adel, the Director of the Postgraduate Student Affairs Unit, announced the names of the outstanding students in this stage in the same manner. In her speech, she said, "Students who make great efforts in their studies at all levels deserve our utmost thanks, appreciation, and support. Therefore, we stand proudly and respectfully today for our outstanding students who possess high morals and have worked diligently to develop their knowledge and their beloved university."

In her most important speech on this occasion, Dr. Zainab Bessiouni, the Dean of the Student Affairs Deanship, delivered an impactful speech. She said to the honorees in her speech, "We send you a fragrant greeting filled with optimism and success, and we promise you that we will continue to support and assist you in your academic and professional journey. You are role models for other students, and we hope that you continue to achieve success and fulfill your dreams."

After the speeches, the honorary certificates were presented to the outstanding students, where Dr. Zainab Bessiouni, Mr. Suleiman Maqboul, and Ms. Amima Adel handed out the certificates to each student individually. The students were warmly applauded by the attendees, and commemorative photos were taken of them.

After the certificate distribution, a celebratory dinner was held, where the attendees enjoyed a delicious meal, lively sessions, and friendly conversations. It was an opportunity for students, faculty members, and staff to get to know each other and exchange ideas and experiences.

The honoring ceremony was an opportunity to celebrate and appreciate the outstanding students for their efforts and dedication to their studies and scientific research. These events enhance the morale of the students and encourage them to continue excelling and achieving their academic and professional goals.