Release of University Ethics Code at Main Center
Minnesota - The Legal Affairs Administration at the main center of the Islamic University of Minnesota, under the signature of its director, Dr. Mohammad Shuaib Abdulmaqsoud, announced the release of the University Ethics Code. This code aims to empower university members to fulfill their responsibilities in performing their duties and tasks, build trust among university affiliates, especially between faculty, students, and administrative bodies, and enhance the relationship between the university and its students, as stated in the code.
The code consists of ten pages and is divided into several sections. It begins with a brief introduction explaining the importance, purpose, and definition of the ethical code for the tasks of the university institution. It then addresses general university ethics through five subheadings. The core of the code includes three sections that cover the rights and responsibilities of faculty members, administrative staff, and students.
The code emphasizes in the general ethics section the necessity of respecting the campus, promoting ethical and professional conduct, and affirming freedom of opinion and creativity while respecting others and adhering to ethical and legal values. It also stresses the importance of mutual respect among all university members and prohibits any form of verbal abuse or physical violence. The code also emphasizes academic integrity, responsibility, and competence in providing educational services.
The code includes the rights and responsibilities of faculty members in seven points, the rights and responsibilities of administrative staff in four points, and it concludes by outlining the rights of students in eight points and their responsibilities in thirteen points.
The Legal Affairs Administration at the main campus of the Islamic University of Minnesota underscores that compliance with the University Ethics Code is a fundamental requirement for all members of the university. The code explains the mechanism for reporting any violations of university ethics and the possible sanctions that may be imposed on violators.
The release of the University Ethics Code at the Islamic University of Minnesota's main center is an important step in promoting Islamic and ethical values in campus life. It is expected that the code will contribute to fostering respect, cooperation, and integrity among university members and provide a positive and healthy educational environment for all.
The release of the University Ethics Code reflects the university's commitment to providing an exceptional and suitable educational environment for students, faculty members, and administrative staff. It also reflects the university's commitment to promoting ethical and Islamic values and implementing them in daily life within the center.
The University Ethics Code at the Islamic University of Minnesota is a positive step in enhancing values and ethics in higher education and may serve as an exemplary model for other universities in adopting ethical codes that guide the behavior of members and promote positive relationships within the university institution.