Media Center Completes 400 Course Profiles
The Director of the Media Center at the Islamic University of Minnesota, Engineer Abdullah Al-Mansoub, announced that the Design and Graphics Department has completed 400 profiles for 400 courses, which represents the total number of courses for the second semester.
Engineer Abdullah Al-Mansoub expressed his gratitude to the design team, praising their significant efforts in completing this number before the actual start of classes. He also thanked the Virtual Rooms and Recordings Unit and its director, Engineer Mohammed Abdul Jawad, for providing the center with the necessary data to design the profiles according to the published schedules.
The Media Center Director shared samples of these profiles with the news editorial team, highlighting their attractive design and reflecting the skill and precision of the design team. Each college has a shared layout for its course profiles, with each course featuring a unique image within this unified structure.
It is noteworthy that these profiles serve as a dedicated interface for the courses in various contexts and occasions, primarily within the course group in the university's large community on WhatsApp and in the Zoom room designated for teaching the course.