Electronic Guides: Creativity in Design and Speed in Communication
Since the establishment of the Islamic University of Minnesota, the administration has paid special attention to enhancing its performance and achieving quality standards. One of the key efforts in this regard is the preparation and design of various guides that facilitate communication and access to necessary information without significant effort from faculty, students, or administrators.
This report highlights the latest guides issued by the Media Center for various departments within the university.
The guides prepared by the Media Center are tailored to meet the needs of beneficiaries from academic colleges and administrative units, featuring attractive and creative designs. They come in various formats, such as videos, PDFs, and others, with content differing based on the guide's purpose and the benefiting department, ranging from small guides to extensive ones.
Among these guides is the "Faculty Handbook," which helps faculty members quickly integrate into the university, developed by the Development and Quality Unit in collaboration with the Faculty Affairs Division. News about this guide was published on the official website and in issue (14) of "Sada Al-Jameah" newspaper.
Additionally, the "Graduation Research Writing Guide," prepared by Dr. Fatima Jumaa Al-Wahsh and Dr. Mohammed Ali Ismail, was mentioned in the same news article.
Three other guides were also referenced in a news piece published on the official website, including the administrative structure guide for each college, the undergraduate secretary guide, and the graduate secretary guide, all prepared by Dr. Nourhan Salama.
Furthermore, a new "Faculty Phone Directory" was created by Dr. Marwan Batayneh, which previously only included deans and department heads.
The Media Center also designed a visual guide in video format, explaining how faculty members can obtain their university ID card via the academic system portal.
In terms of procedural guides, the Media Center collaborated with the technical support units and the Academic Affairs Division to create the "Grade Recording Mechanism Guide," which outlines the steps for recording student grades on the academic portal.
In the latest issue of "Sada Al-Jameah" newspaper (issue 19), it was announced that the Promotions Committee has issued two new guides: the Scientific Promotions Guide and the Scientific Council Guide.
Finally, on Saturday, July 27, 2024, the Media Center published nine guides at once, eight of which pertain to administrative communication for the eight colleges, and the ninth guide addresses communication with Student Affairs and college secretaries, including contact information for each official.
In conclusion, dozens of guides have been completed over time, some of which are permanent, some temporary and replaceable, and others that are regularly updated as needed.