Research Unit and IT Dean Discuss University Website and Digital Library Updates
The Research Unit, represented by its Director Dr. Faiza Khattab, and the Dean of Information Technology, represented by its Director Ms. Marwa Qasem Abdulwasea and her Deputy Engineer Ali Mustafa, held a meeting on Saturday, July 6, 2024, to discuss matters of mutual interest.
The meeting focused on updating the university's website to better reflect the activities and achievements of the Research Unit, including its research files, reports, achievements, projects, and courses.
The meeting also discussed mechanisms to support and update the digital library, and the need to develop its infrastructure to provide modern and integrated research resources for students and researchers. It was agreed on the importance of updating digital databases and adding new sources to enrich the available research content.
The meeting emphasized the importance of publishing the Research Unit's achievements on the university's website. A demonstration was presented on how to update and upload files and achievements.
Ms. Marwa Qasem Abdulwasea pledged to work on the required updates and to publish new news regularly on the university website and Facebook group to enhance communication with the academic community.