Successful Training Workshop on Performance Management and Organizational Excellence

Successful Training Workshop on Performance Management and Organizational Excellence

The Training and Development Center, in collaboration with the College of Education at the Islamic University of Minnesota, successfully organized a training workshop titled "Performance Management and Organizational Excellence." The workshop was delivered by Dr. Intisar Al-Sharida, a lecturer at the College of Education, on Monday, February 5th, 2024, from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM Mecca Time.

The workshop aimed to develop the administrative staff, supervisors, assistants, employees, and students of knowledge at the university, as well as participants from outside the university. It revolved around achieving organizational excellence and reaching outstanding performance according to the standards and indicators by which institutional performance is measured. Models of organizational excellence at the local, Arab, and global levels were also presented.

The participants interacted positively with the topics covered in the workshop, exchanging ideas and experiences among the attendees. The workshop covered a wide range of aspects related to performance management and organizational excellence, contributing to enriching knowledge and enhancing the participants' skills in this field.

The Islamic University of Minnesota is one of the leading universities in the development of educational and administrative personnel, always striving to achieve excellence and quality in its performance. By organizing this training workshop, the university ensured that participants are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve organizational excellence and enhance performance.