Control Unit Issues Circular Regarding Midterm Examinations

Control Unit Issues Circular Regarding Midterm Examinations

Islamic University – Minnesota 

The Control Affairs Unit at the Islamic University of Minnesota has issued a circular to faculty members regarding the preparation of midterm examinations for the first semester, which will commence on Saturday, August 24, 2024, and conclude on Thursday, August 29, 2024.

The circular, bearing the seal of the Control Unit and signed by the unit director, Ms. Amat Al-Rahman Mohammed Al-Maqrami, requests faculty members to prepare two different copies of the exam along with the answer key. It also outlines the conditions and specifications for the exam in terms of both format and content, including required data to be included in the exam's technical framework, as well as the selection of question types, their quantity, formulation methods, timing, grade distribution, and correction methods.

Additionally, the circular reminds faculty members to submit the exams through the department head or the administrative affairs officer of the college. It includes a template with the required data tables, questions, and answers.