Department Faculty Meeting Discusses Educational Development

Department Faculty Meeting Discusses Educational Development

The English Department faculty at the College of Arts and Humanities at the Islamic University of Minnesota, Main Center, held a meeting chaired by Dr. Rehab Samir, Head of the Department, on Saturday, July 6, 2024.

The meeting focused on developing the educational process in the department. The meeting confirmed the department's course schedules and agreed to activate the reports group. This group will receive daily updates from course instructors on their courses, including the number of students, course content, attendance, the progress of the educational process, costs (if any), and suggestions for developing the educational process (if any).

The meeting also emphasized the need to create a student contract, determine the evaluation and grading methods, and review the curriculum. The last lecture should be dedicated to reviewing the curriculum, the exam, and its method, considering the specific nature of online students.

The faculty members agreed that each instructor teaching a course should conduct an activity that will be presented to the department at a scheduled date. This activity will be assigned additional marks. They also agreed to motivate students through competition and by creating question sections that the instructor prepares for students to solve.

The attendees stressed the need for continuous supervision of the educational process by department heads and their deputies as a requirement for the good evaluation of the instructor. They also emphasized the need to submit the academic material to the reports group regularly. A link to the reports group was shared.

Finally, another link was shared for the curriculum group, emphasizing the importance of each instructor uploading their curriculum to it. This will serve as a reference for any substitute instructor in case of an emergency preventing the original instructor from teaching the course, and for the benefit of the instructor themself if they teach the course again.