University Releases Diverse Range of Guides to Improve Performance Quality and Facilitate Communication

Minnesota, January 23, 2024 - The Islamic University of Minnesota has announced the release of a series of guides aimed at improving its performance quality and facilitating communication and access to information for faculty members, students, and administrators. These guides include a faculty guidebook, which assists faculty members in quickly integrating into the university. The guidebook was developed in collaboration between the Development and Quality Unit and the Faculty Affairs Deanship. The news of the guidebook release was published on the university's official website and in the "Echo of the University" newspaper.
In addition to that, another guide titled "Graduation Research Writing Guide" has been released, which was prepared by Dr. Fatima Jumaa Al-Wahsh and Dr. Mohammed Ali Ismail. It was mentioned in the previous news release.
Other guides mentioned in the news include an administrative structure guide for each college, a guide for undergraduate program coordinators, and a guide for graduate program coordinators. These guides were prepared by Dr. Norhan Salama, the Director of Administrative Affairs for the colleges.
In the context of continuous development, a phone directory guide for faculty members has been released, prepared by Dr. Marwan Batayneh, the Dean of Faculty Affairs. This guide aims to provide important information to faculty members. Prior to Dr. Marwan assuming his current position, the guide was limited to deans and department heads.
In addition to the mentioned guides, several other guides have been developed over time, with some being regularly updated. Examples include the guide for graduate department coordinators and the guide for undergraduate department coordinators.