Doctorate in Quranic Studies for Researcher Ahmed Al-Khaldi

Doctorate in Quranic Studies for Researcher Ahmed Al-Khaldi

In the Department of Islamic Studies in English at the College of Islamic Studies, researcher Ahmed Mohamed Al-Khaldi has been awarded a Ph.D. in Quranic Studies and its Sciences. This achievement follows a public defense session for his dissertation titled "The Educational Significance of the Holy Qur'anic Dialogue Addressed to Young Muslims in the West." The defense session was conducted by the Graduate Studies Deanery on Saturday, November 11, 2023.

The examination committee comprised Dr. Manal Mustafa Abdullah, the head of the Department of Islamic Studies in English at the Islamic University of Minnesota, as the supervisor, Dr. Aziz Marzouk Mohamed Zalgha, a faculty member at the Islamic University of Minnesota, as the internal examiner, and Professor Dr. Diaa Said, Associate Professor of Tafsir at the Islamic University of Minnesota, as the external examiner.