Islamic University Approves Research Plan for Ph.D. in Teaching Methods

Islamic University Approves Research Plan for Ph.D. in Teaching Methods

The Graduate Studies Deanship at the Islamic University in Minnesota - Main Center has approved the research plan prepared by researcher Sherbat Mahmoud Hassan El-Gendy for obtaining a Ph.D. degree in Teaching Methods from the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods at the College of Education.

The approval came after a seminar session held by the deanship on Thursday, January 11, 2024, to discuss the plan titled "The Effectiveness of Electronic Games in Teaching Fourth Grade Students with Special Needs in Qatar and Their Impact on Arabic Language Achievement." The session was attended by a scientific committee composed of Dr. Talat Mohammed Al-dardir as the chairman, Dr. Talat Najeh Ismail as a member, and Dr. Anas Odhibat as a member.