Postgraduate Studies Deanship Approves Doctoral Candidate's Research Plan on Human Rights

Postgraduate Studies Deanship Approves Doctoral Candidate's Research Plan on Human Rights


Postgraduate Studies Deanship at the Islamic University of Minnesota - Main Center has given its approval to the research plan of Abdulrahman Mohammed Saad Hadaidee, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Islamic History and Civilization at the College of Arts and Humanities. The approval came after a seminar session held by the Graduate Studies Dean on Saturday, December 30, 2023, during which the candidate's plan was discussed. The Dean formed a committee for the discussion, consisting of Associate Professor Dr. Siham Abdulbaqi Mohammed, the Head of the Department of Islamic History and Civilization, who served as the chair, and Professor Dr. Ismail Hamed Ismail, the Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, who served as a member, along with Professor Dr. Abdulbaqi Al-Sayed Abdulhadi Al-Qattan.

The research plan focuses on the topic of human rights during the reign of the first Umayyad Caliph, Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan. The anticipated outcome of the thesis is to contribute to the enrichment of Islamic history by exploring the concept of human rights in that significant historical era.

The committee members have given their approval to the research plan, and the candidate hopes to achieve success by employing his research tools to make a valuable addition to the knowledge in the field of Islamic civilization history and its associated human rights.