Business Administration PhD Candidate Presents Research Plan

MINNESOTA, July 12, 2024 – Mustafa Ja'far Abdullah Abbas, a PhD candidate in Business Administration at the Islamic University of Minnesota, presented his research plan during a seminar held by the College of Economics and Business Administration's Graduate Studies Dean's Office.
The seminar was chaired by Dr. Mohammed Younes Hamida, Head of the Business Administration Department, with Dr. Abdulrahman Abdulghani and Dr. Abu Thar Yusuf serving as committee members.
Abbas' research plan focuses on "The Impact of Talent Management Practices on Job Satisfaction at Saudi Aramco Company." The study aims to analyze the relationship between talent management practices and employee satisfaction at the company, identifying best practices to improve employee satisfaction and enhance performance.
Following a thorough discussion, the committee approved the research plan, deeming it comprehensive and objective, meeting the requirements for a PhD in Business Administration.