Academic Committee Approves PhD Plans for Two Researchers
Minnesota, July 24, 2024: An academic committee from the Department of Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals, chaired by Dr. Salah Ahmed Farraj, Head of the Department, approved two research plans for doctoral students in the College of Sharia and Law, namely Olukoli Ali and Mohammed Omar Ahmed.
The approval of the plans came after a seminar session held by the committee under the supervision of the Deanship of Graduate Studies at the Islamic University of Minnesota, main campus, on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 9:00 PM Mecca Time.
The session began with Olukoli Ali's plan titled "Treatment between Islamic Jurisprudence and Beninese Customs - A Comparative Analytical Study", followed by Mohamed Omar Ahmed's plan titled "Justification by Absence and its Impact on Contemporary Financial Transactions - A Fiqh-Based Study".
It is worth noting that the seminar committee consisted of - in addition to its chairman - Dr. Salah Farraj - Dr. Bassam Al-Rashid, Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Wardi, Dr. Abdulrazzaq Sanad, and Dr. Hakim Ibrahim Al-Shamiri.