Admission and Registration Deanship: Receiving Applications 24 Hours

Admission and Registration Deanship: Receiving Applications 24 Hours

Dr. Khadijah Abdulwarith, the director of the Admission and Registration Deanship, stated that the deanship is covering tasks around the clock, responding to student inquiries regarding registration, departments, levels, and accreditations for the Islamic University in Minnesota - Main Campus. Additionally, the deanship uploads documents to the data verification WhatsApp group, where each member performs their designated tasks related to archiving and verification.

Dr. Khadijah added, "After uploading the data to the website, the Admission and Registration Deanship issues academic numbers for students who have completed the registration process and forwards the acceptances to the Student Affairs Deanship in its two units: the Bachelor's Level Unit and the Master's and Doctoral Level Unit. The students are then provided with the necessary information to prepare for their studies, God willing."

It is worth noting that the administrative structure of the Admission and Registration Deanship consists of Dr. Khadijah Abdulwarith as the director of the Admission and Registration Unit, Mr. Sami Al-Shatbi as the person in charge of receiving registration applications, and Ms. Banan Saif and Ms. Zainab Banafie as the responsible parties for data verification and uploading to the official university website. Ms. Mariam Mohammed Abdulrahman is responsible for archiving student data based on levels and departments.