Islamic University Opens Registration for Summer Semester

Islamic University Opens Registration for Summer Semester


The Dean of Admissions and Registration at the Islamic University of Minnesota - Main Center has announced the opening of registration for the summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024. The Dean invites all those interested in joining any of its specialties to register.

The announcement indicates that the university provides students with educational curricula that enhance critical thinking and analysis, as well as modern educational and academic programs. It emphasizes that teaching is conducted by specialized professors and experts in their fields. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in cultural and artistic activities, as well as free training courses with certificates accredited by the university.

The registration link for the university can be found at the following address:

Two WhatsApp contact and inquiry links have also been provided:⁦+201158640007

A link to join the admissions and registration WhatsApp group has been shared as well:

To visit the official website of the university, you can use the following link:

Dr. Khadija Abdulwarith, the Director of the Dean of Admissions and Registration, stated that she has received several registration requests prior to the official announcement of the registration opening. Registration will continue until the start of the summer semester.

Dr. Khadija confirmed the existence of a form that students must fill out and also mentioned a list of required documents for registration, as well as a list of tuition fees, including payment options and methods. She emphasized that tuition fees can be paid in affordable installments throughout the study period, with each installment due at the end of each academic semester.