Abdullah Abdi Omar Earns PhD in Law

Abdullah Abdi Omar Earns PhD in Law

In a public session held by the Graduate Studies Deanship at the Islamic University of Minnesota, Abdullah Abdi Omar has successfully obtained a PhD in Law. His dissertation titled "The Independence of the Judiciary in the Federal System - Somalia as a Case Study" was examined.

The defense committee was composed of Dr. Mohammed Shuaib Abdulmaqsoud, Head of the Law Department and Director of Legal Affairs at the Islamic University of Minnesota, serving as the committee chair. Dr. Mouayad Zidan, a faculty member at the Islamic University of Minnesota, acted as the supervisor, while Dr. Ala'a Ahmed bin Ahmed Sabah, a faculty member at the Islamic University of Minnesota, served as the internal examiner. Dr. Salah Rajab, an appointed member from the Faculty of Law at Helwan University, participated as the external examiner.