Scientific Committee Approves Three Research Proposals in Jurisprudence and its Principles

Scientific Committee Approves Three Research Proposals in Jurisprudence and its Principles

A scientific committee, chaired by Professor Dr. Salah Faraj, has approved three research proposals submitted by three students in the Department of Jurisprudence and its Principles, as part of their requirements for obtaining a doctoral degree. The students who submitted these proposals are Alsayid Saleh Ali Shihab, Mohammed Sulaiman Mohammed Khalaf, and Saqr Sheikh Hassan Abdi.

A seminar session was held on Sunday, April 28, 2024, at 9:00 PM Mecca time, at the Islamic University of Minnesota - main center, in the Faculty of Sharia and Law. During this session, the three research proposals were discussed. The discussion began with Alsayid. Saleh Ali Shihab's proposal entitled " Jurisprudential Rules of Repelling Harm and Contemporary Applications in Fetal and Pediatric Medicine - A Medical Jurisprudential Study."  This was followed by the discussion of Mohammed Sulaiman Mohammed Khalaf's proposal entitled "Al-Mughni in Abbreviating Al-Tanbih and Presenting its Fatwas." Lastly, Saqr Sheikh Hassan Abdi's proposal entitled "The Best Evidences for Some Issues by Sheikh Muhammad Umar Al-Sindi Al-Hanafi - Authentication and Study" was discussed.

The examination committee was composed of the committee chair, Dr. Salah Faraj, the head of the Department of Jurisprudence and its Principles, along with the committee members: Dr. Muzahem Tariq Al-Mustafa, the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Dr. Jihan Al-Taher Mohammed, and Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Ahmed Al-Wardi.