Dean of the College of Sharia and Law Holds Meeting

Dean of the College of Sharia and Law Holds Meeting

The Dean of the College of Sharia and Law, Dr. Muzahem Tareq Al-Mustafa, held a meeting on Friday, August 9, 2024, with members of the Council of Department Heads, some faculty members, and students at the Islamic University of Minnesota.

The dean opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and congratulating Dr. Muayad Zaidan on his appointment as Head of the Law Department, expressing appreciation for Dr. Mohammed Shoaib Abdulmaqsood’s continuous efforts in the department.

The dean highlighted the important role of department heads in enhancing the educational process and easing difficulties for students, thanking the university's vice president, Dr. Omar Al-Maqrami, for preparing the library to meet students' needs.

He emphasized the necessity of respecting the relationship between students and faculty, stressing that students should first approach their department head with any issues, then the dean, and finally the university's higher administration.

The dean also announced that no thesis from graduate students will be discussed unless the student presents a peer-reviewed paper to the Journal of Sharia and Law, confirming that publication will be free of charge. He appointed Dr. Asma Suwaileh to supervise these research papers. Dr. Salah Farraj, Head of the Jurisprudence and Its Principles Department, emphasized the importance of collaboration between students and their supervisors during the preparation of their theses.

The dean urged faculty members to author books in their specialties, noting the importance of listening to students' opinions regarding the challenges they face. He also suggested studying courses in public law to enhance students' qualifications to become legal consultants.

In conclusion, the dean expressed his hope to establish a library for students from other undergraduate disciplines who wish to join the College of Sharia and Law for their master's degrees, to help them learn the fundamentals of law and judiciary.