Official Statistics Show Gender Distribution of Students at Islamic University of Minnesota for Academic Year 2023-2024

Official Statistics Show Gender Distribution of Students at Islamic University of Minnesota for Academic Year 2023-2024


An official statistic has been published indicating that the total number of male and female students at the Islamic University in Minnesota in the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year was 1944. It was found that the number of female undergraduate students exceeded the number of male students in all colleges, with 1262 female students compared to 467 male students. The College of Economics and Business Administration topped the list with the highest number of students in the university, with 379 male and female students.

In the graduate studies stage, the number of males exceeded the number of females, with a total of 682 male and female students. The College of Sharia and Law ranked first in terms of the number of students in this stage, with 174 male and female students.

It is worth noting that this statistic did not include the newcomers in the second semester, who amounted to 384 male and female students.