University Announces Benefits and Incentives for Department Heads

University Announces Benefits and Incentives for Department Heads


Dr. Omar Ahmed Al-Maqrami, the Vice-Provost and Head of the Main Center, announced a set of benefits and incentives for department heads according to the regulations set by the university administration. This was stated in a post by Dr. Al-Maqrami on the "General Group for Department Heads."

Dr. Al-Maqrami announced that department heads who perform their duties efficiently and responsibly, and maintain the integrity of their departments for a period of eight academic semesters, will be granted full scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies. He emphasized that these scholarships will include document attestation and submission according to the specified guidelines.

Additionally, Dr. Al-Maqrami mentioned that department heads will also receive authentication of their documents from the Apostille organization, which is recognized by some countries that are parties to the Apostille Convention, such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Lebanon, Oman, Turkey, and Indonesia.

Dr. Al-Maqrami stated that the exemplary department head in each college will receive authentication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Secretariat, and the Notary Public, in addition to authentication from the Apostille organization, following the specific guidelines that will be announced in the "General Group for Department Heads." He affirmed that these guidelines will be clear and transparent.

Furthermore, Dr. Al-Maqrami announced the intention to honor the exemplary department head in each college at the end of each semester, where they will receive a certificate of appreciation and the College's Integrity Shield, in addition to a monetary amount of $100 and full activity grades.

Dr. Al-Maqrami emphasized that the recognition will also extend to the exemplary assistant dean, college director, department chair, dean, administrative unit manager, and faculty member, in addition to exemplary students.

Dr. Al-Maqrami urged department heads to enhance the quality of the educational process, prioritize student care, provide the best possible service, work diligently, and strive for excellence. He also called on everyone to cooperate, mutually assist, and strive to elevate the university to the forefront and achieve international recognition.