Undergraduate Unit at the Student Affairs Deanship Honors Outstanding and Disciplined Students

Undergraduate Unit at the Student Affairs Deanship Honors Outstanding and Disciplined Students

The Undergraduate Unit at the Student Affairs Deanship, represented by the unit's director, Mr. Suleiman Maqbool, honored outstanding students in all undergraduate departments, totaling 52 students (27 first-year students and 25 second-year students).

The unit also recognized two outstanding department heads in the second semester, Ms. Amal Al-Baha, head of the Arabic Language department, and Ms. Wafa Al-Damerdash, head of the Islamic Studies department in English. In return, the unit honored 21 outstanding assistants in the second semester (11 first-year assistants and 10 second-year assistants), bringing the total number of honored heads and assistants to 96.

Furthermore, the unit acknowledged disciplined students during the second semester, with a total of 151 students (83 first-year students and 68 second-year students) receiving recognition.

Finally, the unit honored the members of the Student Affairs Unit team, comprising 7 members who were awarded certificates of appreciation.