The Graduate Studies Unit at the Student Affairs Deanship Approves Administrative Structure and Appoints Deputies for Department Secretaries

The Graduate Studies Unit at the Student Affairs Deanship Approves Administrative Structure and Appoints Deputies for Department Secretaries

In a positive response to the recommendations of the University Vice President, Dr. Omar Al-Muqarmi, in his meeting with the directors of administrative units and supporting deans early last month, emphasizing the importance of institutional work, the Graduate Student Affairs Unit held a meeting for its members. The meeting was chaired by the unit's director, Dr. Abdullah Bakri.

During the meeting, several issues outlined in the meeting plan were discussed, with the primary focus on developing and structuring the Graduate Student Affairs Unit institutionally. This development relies on the collaboration of efforts among unit members, each within the framework of their tasks and responsibilities, ensuring the continuity of work beyond the reliance on a single person (the unit director).

Additionally, the meeting addressed the construction of an administrative structure by adding the position of "Deputies for Department Heads." This administrative structure includes the Unit Management, Unit Members, Department Heads, Deputies for Department Heads, and Department Assistants.

It is worth mentioning that the Graduate Student Affairs Unit consists of the unit director, Dr. Abdullah Bakri, the responsible for department heads in graduate studies, Dr. Ibrahim Naeem, the officer responsible for monitoring absent students, Samir Shawaf, the unit's media representative, Bayan Bawakid, and the secretary responsible for archiving, Marwah Abdulwasea.

Later in the meeting, Dr. Ibrahim Naeem Abdulfattah, the officer responsible for department heads in graduate studies, stated in a private communication with the site's news editor, "We have appointed deputies for department heads in the departments of Political Science, Journalism, Islamic Jurisprudence and its Foundations, English Language, History and Human Civilization, Accounting, Information Systems, Business Administration, Islamic Economics, Law, Judicial and Legal Politics, Quranic Studies, Prophetic Tradition, Creed, and Educational Sciences."