College of Education Opens Early Childhood Education Department

College of Education Opens Early Childhood Education Department

MINNESOTA - The Islamic University of Minnesota's College of Education announced the opening of a new department, the Early Childhood Education Department, on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

The new department aims to prepare and qualify teachers, counselors, researchers, trainers, and leaders capable of dealing effectively with the early childhood stage and its various institutions. The department's vision is "to achieve excellence with qualified human resources for the early childhood education sector on a regional level," while its mission is "to prepare cadres qualified in knowledge and skills in the field of early childhood education and scientific research to achieve development and serve the community on a regional level."

The department's program aims to qualify a cadre characterized by scientific professionalism in the field of early childhood education, keep pace with the requirements of the labor market and its needs in the field of early childhood education, establish sound values and concepts to support the family and raise the child, prepare and support researchers specialized in the field of education and problems of early childhood to support the community, qualify trainers and consultants capable of dealing with the early childhood stage and facing the challenges facing the family, attract, qualify and motivate distinguished human resources for the early childhood stage, and establish strategic partnerships and effective agreements with relevant entities to exchange expertise and knowledge.

The program requires students to attend classes regularly according to the curriculum. Students are prohibited from taking the final exam in any course if their absence rate exceeds 25% of the total lectures for that course. They will then be considered failing the course. Students are not considered successful in the course unless they obtain a grade of "Pass" or higher. Students will not graduate until they have completed all required credit hours and achieved a cumulative GPA of at least "Good."

The admission requirements for the program are as follows: "Applicants must have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and no more than five years should have passed since obtaining the high school diploma or its equivalent. The University Council may exempt this requirement if there are compelling reasons. Applicants must also be of good character and conduct, physically and emotionally fit, successfully pass any test or personal interview deemed necessary by the University Council, and not be dismissed from the Islamic University of Minnesota or any other university for disciplinary or academic reasons. They must also meet any other requirements determined by the University Council and announced at the time of application. Applicants must not submit any false information during the application process, as this will lead to the cancellation of their admission. Finally, applicants must pay 20% of the total fees required for the bachelor's program upon joining the program."

The Early Childhood Education Department is the sixth department in the College of Education, which is headed by Dr. Abdullah Abdulnabi. The departments are chaired by a group of the most qualified Arab cadres in the field of educational sciences, and their programs are implemented by a constellation of the rarest Arab educational academic cadres with sufficient teaching experience in the three stages of bachelor's, master's, and doctorate.