University Grants Scholarships to Faculty Family Members

University Grants Scholarships to Faculty Family Members

Dr. Marwan Bataineh, Dean of Faculty Affairs at the Islamic University of Minnesota, has released an official administrative decision issued by the office of the University's Vice President, Dr. Omar Al-Maqrami, granting a new privilege to faculty members. This privilege entails the right to obtain a scholarship for one of their family members, whether a child or a spouse.

The decision, which is sealed with the official university stamp and signed by Dr. Al-Maqrami, outlines the details of the seven conditions that faculty members must meet to qualify for this benefit. Among these conditions, the first stipulates that the member must be actively employed at the university for four consecutive or intermittent academic semesters, excluding the summer semester. The second condition states that the member must continue to actively work for two academic semesters after receiving the scholarship for one of their family members. According to the decision, the member is entitled to receive the scholarship in full.

It is worth mentioning that this decision was made in collaboration between the university administration and the Faculty Affairs Deanship, as stated in the decision's preamble.

This step aims to enhance the support provided to faculty members at the Islamic University of Minnesota and encourage them to continue their outstanding academic work. It is expected that this new privilege will motivate faculty members to enhance their academic achievements and make new contributions in the fields of research and teaching.