Standards and rules for academic promotions

The mission of the Islamic University of Minnesota is based on achieving excellence in three main areas: teaching, scientific research and community service. Therefore, these three areas are closely related to promotion standards and the extent to which faculty members achieve excellence in these three areas. As a result, the university seeks to establish these standards, their stability, and their inclusiveness for all faculty members, while linking these standards to the general scope in which the university's mission revolves. In order to achieve this stability and consistency, the academic degree of a faculty member has been defined as follows:

Assistant Professor

This degree is assigned to a faculty member who holds a Ph.D. or any other equivalent degree and who has demonstrated the ability to achieve excellence in both teaching and scientific research. This member must demonstrate clear signs of his direction towards developing his skills and achieving achievements in all three fields of teaching, scientific research and community service. 

Associate Professor

The faculty member must achieve distinguished achievements in both teaching and scientific research, and must also show high quality in performance related to the three areas, and that this performance is accompanied by a high energy that indicates a desire for continuous improvement and creativity in these three areas, The existence of a satisfactory or acceptable record for the assistant professor is not enough. Rather, there must be a very clear indication, based on strong and tangible evidence proving that the applicant to this degree has actually achieved high-level achievements.


This degree is reserved for faculty members who have achieved a distinguished reputation for themselves in their field of specialization, whose distinguished work and professional contributions have led to support the university's mission, and there should be evidence of significant developments and achievements in teaching, scientific research and community service since the faculty member held a degree Associate Professor, and the candidate must provide clear evidence of this documented by the evaluation of external arbitrators, and supported by other evidence that supports this.

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