Terms and Regulations Governing Promotion
Files Required for Promotion
- A brief CV (to be reviewed by the department head and signed for validity).
- A copy of the applicant's passport or identity card.
- A copy of the appointment decision at the university, in addition to a copy of the promotion decision to associate professor for the applicant to a professorship.
- A copy of the master's thesis, and a copy of the doctoral thesis (pdf).
- Master's and doctoral degrees.
- Three refereed papers for the applicant for the rank of associate professor, and four for the applicant for the rank of professor - as will be detailed below.
- The legal period that the holder of the rank of assistant professor must spend before applying for promotion to the rank of associate professor is three years from the date of obtaining the rank of assistant professor, provided that he has published three original research papers in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and one of these researches is accepted as an acceptable research for publication after bringing support for that from the journal, and a book within the specialty can also be accepted As a research among the three research papers.
- The legal period that a person who holds the rank of Associate Professor must spend before applying for promotion to the rank of Professor is four years from the date of obtaining the rank of Associate Professor, during which he submits four research papers, which may include a book in the specialty, and a research paper. Acceptable for publication endorsed by the refereed journal, provided that all research is recent and has not been previously submitted by the candidate for promotion to associate professor, and the investigation of manuscripts is approved in scientific promotion, and joint research is also accepted, provided that it does not exceed one investigation or one joint research, and it is required The research should be in the exact specialization of the applicant for promotion.
- The applicant must have spent a full year teaching at the university, otherwise he will be treated as an external applicant in terms of promotion fees.
- Promotion criteria are based on the following bases according to the shown percentages:
Axis | Percentage |
Research and publication | 50% |
Teaching and supervision | 20% |
Academic excellence, leadership and university service | 15% |
Interview and the meeting of the three committee | 15% |
Total | 100% |
- The promotion fees are collected for the participant at the rate of (500$) and for the professorship at the rate of (600$) which includes the fees of the arbitrators and the university fees. Promotions Committee, and for those who did not complete the year as a member of the teaching staff at the university and wanted to apply for promotion, they shall be treated as an external applicant. In the event that the applicant wishes to certify the promotion from the US State Department, the certification fee ($260) must be paid, whether the applicant is affiliated with the university or abroad.